Our Services


If you are feeling a sense of hopelessness, having sleepless nights, noticing a lack of joy in activities, or struggling with day to day tasks you may be experiencing a depressive episode.

Our clinicians will assess your symptoms and create a treatment plan to decrease these symptoms and improve your quality of life.


Anxiety is a normal experience but there are times when it becomes a pervasive and disruptive emotion. The clinicians at CLCS can help you to identify unhelpful thoughts, learn ways of managing uncomfortable emotions, and help to create behavior changes that can help decrease symptoms.

Life Transitions

Whether you are changing jobs, dealing with a breakup or divorce, experiencing the grief of a loss, or having any number of changes or transitions occur in your life, our counselors are here to help. We can help you manage all of the emotions and worries that come with change and assist you in making the best decisions for yourself.

Relationship Issues

Finding and maintaining a meaningful relationship can be an enriching life experience. When there are struggles and conflict within the relationship we can help individuals and couples identify the sources and navigate the path to repair and fulfillment. CLCS has experience working with relationships that span the spectrums of identity, orientation, and intimacy.


Romantic Relationships

Finding a romantic partner can be a challenging experience. Keeping a romantic relationship healthy can be even harder. We often idealize our partners in the beginning and overlook significant differences in values and lifestyle. Eventually, our partners’ quirky behaviors that we once found attractive become the things that fuel fights.

There are times when trust is broken, feelings are hurt, the sexual connection is lost and the future of the relationship or marriage seems uncertain. Our couples counselors can help you communicate with your partner more effectively, learn how to manage and de-escalate conflicts, reclaim intimacy and create the loving partnership that you want and deserve.

Family Relationships

Families can be one of the most supportive communities that we belong to and can also cause some of the most struggle in our lives. Effective communication, conflict resolution , and In therapy you can learn to explore family dynamics and how your family of origin as well as previous generations can influence your perspective of yourself and the world around you.

Friend Relationships

Our friends become the family that we choose. Many of us are living in a city with little family around and rely heavily on the friendships we have cultivated throughout our lives. However, we all grow and change at different rates and friendships often feel the burden of these changes.

Our therapists can help you develop the communication skills to have a productive conversation about a conflict and with individual therapy or therapy with your friend present you can address these issues and help the friendship to grow and change in a healthy way.

Work Relationships

When conflicts arise in the workplace the whole team suffers. We spend as much time, if not more with our co-workers and work partners as we do with our friends and family. These relationships can be very intense and impact our lives both personally and professionally.

Power differentials, creative differences, and differences in work ethics and values can make a work environment a toxic place with significant consequences. We can help to resolve conflicts and facilitate conversations between coworkers and work partners in a collaborative and supportive environment.

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